Should students wear uniforms?

By Hannah

Some schools make students wear specific clothes and outfits while learning. Do you think this is necessary? Would you want to dress in formal clothing while being educated? Why or why not?


Posted on: 2020/07/11

Students should not wear a uniform. For one thing, it's hard and not worth it for your parents to use laundry detergent every day just for one or two uniforms for school. Also it will be boring if you had to wear the same clothes every school day because of school. Uniforms are also uncomfortable to most people and wearing it every school day is definitely not what they want to do just to go to school. I would never want to wear a uniform because of school or anything, in that case.


Posted on: 2020/06/24

Students should wear school uniforms. It is very cool. Also, it prevents some bullying! Parents don't have to buy clothes, and you don't have to spend time picking out your clothes. But, there should be multiple uniforms to choose from! Also, maybe not always uniforms. Maybe hoodies, T-shirts, or jackets! But they should all have a symbole of the school.


Posted on: 2020/04/27

Kids should not wear school uniforms because then the teachers might get confused with all of the students around them. Also, kids want to wear their own comfortable clothes to class instead of the same outfit every day. A lot of people aren't excited about wearing a suit for the rest of the school year.

Even if it would take them a long time to choose clothes in the morning, they could just choose before they go to bed and then change when they wake up. Plus, lots of primary schools have crazy and fun clothes days, which are a nice thing to look forward to. Students can then show their friends and classmates their clothes or accessories for the theme of the day. If kids wore school uniforms, there would be no point in having the fun clothes days and the students would have nothing to look forward to.


Posted on: 2020/04/22

I don’t think kids should have to wear a uniform. If students are wearing the exact same thing, they can’t express themselves. Kids should feel like they can be their own person. They shouldn’t have to match. During school hours, we should also be comfortable.

If we’re in scratchy shirts and uncomfortable dress pants, we’re not going to focus very well. I get that the teachers don’t want us focusing on everyone else’s clothing, but it’s still uncomfortable to be in a uniform all day. Also, parents have to go shopping and spend a lot of money on the uniforms.

If students could wear normal clothes, we’d be able to express ourselves, be comfortable, and not spend money on outfits that we never wear at home.


Posted on: 2020/04/22

Uniforms are as much about safety as they are about inclusion. Teachers don’t have to worry about losing sight of students at the playground or on a field trip. Also, when kids wear uniforms, both the older and younger students feel like they are part of the same group. I wear a uniform and feel like my school is one big team. I feel included.

I think it is harder to bully someone about his or her clothes if you are all wearing the same thing. When everyone is dressed the same, you don’t have to worry about how you look or about wearing the latest trend. Parents can save money, as well! And in the morning, I can save time because I don’t have to choose what kind of clothes I should wear.