Should people play sports or not?

By Alan

After the start of the corona virus pandemic, many people have become less active these days since you can't go to the basketball court to play basketball or go swimming in a nearby pool. Because of this, many people have been watching more TV and playing more video games. But you can still go out running or playing soccer or football in the backyard. Should exercising be enforced or should individual people make their own decision? Post your thoughts or answers down below.


Posted on: 2020/07/11

People should still play sports. Staying in your house and not moving can actually make you more unhealthy! Exercising should be done often, like every day in the afternoon. It's okay if you just go out for a walk or play basketball on your driveway. Swimming pools should be opened because there is bleach in the pool, which helps keep away the virus. You will still be exercising. Because you don't get up to walk around that much, your legs might get used to not holding your body. Make sure you go outside too!


Posted on: 2020/07/11

Even during the corona virus pandemic, people should still play sports instead of sitting in front if the TV all day. Exercise can boost your mood so you don't feel grumpy during the day. Constant exercise every day is good for your body and can prevent heart disease and obesity. Exercise can burn down calories and prevent you from getting fat and uses up some time that left over aside from camp or work that you would otherwise spend sitting around doing nothing. Exercising should not be required by the town or state, but exercising every 1-2 days is good for you and for staying healthy and strong.


Posted on: 2020/07/11

People should still play sports, but only ones that do not require going close to each other and shaking hands that often. Pools should not be open because the water will have germs if one person in the pool has viruses. Then everyone swimming there will probably get sick. Sports like soccer and basketball should also not be open to play because everyone is using the same ball. People can still play those in their own backyard, but not with other people. Tennis and similar activities are safe only if you do not touch the same ball too many times. Exercising should not be enforced, but we should do it every once in a while to stay healthy and strong.