Should School Reopen?

By Hannah

During these times, social distancing is very important. But so is learning. School reopening is a big idea, big project, and maybe even a big mistake. Should classes start again?


Posted on: 2020/07/20

Schools should reopen! Even during the spike of corona virus cases, schools should reopen, but only under strict social distancing and personal hygiene policies. Students should go back to schools and schools should open also because it makes it hard for some kids to motivate themselves to do work without a teacher there to instruct them. They might get distracted and go off playing video games, or they may think homeschooling is just a joke ad is optional. If kids are going back to school, the teachers, principal, and parents should take a lot of responsibility to keep them from getting to close to each other and should enforce laws about using hand sanitizer and washing your hands frequently. I think public schools should be open only under strict hygiene rules. P.S, there should be rules about wearing face masks and gloves to.


Posted on: 2020/07/12

Schools should reopen! But, because of this pandemic, going to school should be optional. Classes should be smaller, and kids should be required to wear masks at all times. Everyone should bring their own paper, hand sanitizer, and school supplies. In the cafeteria, students should have assigned seats that are spaced apart. Maybe every second person can eat, and then switch. During recess, classes should be assigned equipment to play with. Like maybe one class can use the swing, another uses the rock wall, and another uses four-square. And maybe the next day, classes can switch. During dismissal, kids can either stay after school (with kids split up in different rooms, of course) or have their parents pick them up. Schools can add more sinks, indoor or outdoor. Going to school is a risky thing but after a few new rules and some more added things, kids can still have a fun time. In online classes, kids can fake their schoolwork and use an online calculator. That is why schools should be reopened.


Posted on: 2020/07/12

Schools should definitely not reopen! The virus is still going around and nobody knows who has it. Kids will all want to play together and have fun again, which is very dangerous if it is done in person. Schools are also easy to carry germs because everyone walks in the same hallways and most kids ride on buses. Lunch and recess is the hardest. They include many people in one small cafeteria. At recess, most games will be impossible to play without using the same equipment as others. Classes should only be distance learning and schools should not allow students to go near each other.


Posted on: 2020/07/12

Schools should not reopen because there are still many dangers of going to class. Kids will not be in a coronavirus safe environment because nobody knows who is infected, making it impossible to stay healthy. Also, it is hard to maintain social distancing in schools because all the kids cannot be monitored at once. They will also be reluctant to follow these rules because they want to be with their friends. Reopening schools is a mistake and should be reconsidered.