Should Kids Get a Flu Shot?

By Olivia

Not getting a flu shot is dangerous. But also getting a flu shot. The flu shot can not work. You may say your immune system is healthy, but how could you know? Do you think students should risk not taking the flu shot? Or do you want them to take the flu shot? Maybe optional? Express your opinion below!


Posted on: 2020/07/21

Kids and adults, should get flu shots! Though they can only make you immune to one flu virus at a time and scientists sometimes can't predict the upcoming flu that well, getting a flu shot is very useful. For one thing, it can create jobs for scientists who make and study flu vaccines and a flu shot can most of the time prevent you from getting a certain kind of flu virus at one time or another. Even if it hurts, flu shots can be replaced by nasal sprays that can also most of the time prevents you from getting the flu, so there's no excuse about not getting a nasal spray or flu shot. I think kids should definitely get a flu shot every year.