Should Football be Banned

By Alan

Though it's the most popular sport in the U.S, for most people, football isn't as safe as it seems. Tackling, tripping, charging into, and smashing into people are all parts of American Football. This can cause serious injury and death for some uncertain people. Should football be banned, or should they make safer rules and better equipment for this popular U.S game?


Posted on: 2021/03/27

No, they just need safer equipment and rules.


Posted on: 2020/08/07

Football should never be banned!! For starters, many people rely on football for work. Even for people who don't play, it can cause them, let's say, football ball makers, to lose their jobs and cause a slowdown in the economy. It's also a great sport to play. Even though it can be dangerous, people can make safer equipment and change the rules for tackling and other stuff to make injuries and death less common. Football should never ever be banned, but only if people are willing to make better equipment for the players and make tackling and other kinds of hitting rules to prevent injuries and death.