Should kids play video games?

By Alan

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic started, many people are spending lots of time online, instead of say, playing soccer in the backyard. This pandemic gives them an excuse to inside and play video games because they'll probably say it's because they want to stay safe. But the truth is, staying at home all day isn't gonna make you healthier. In fact, it can even make it worse. This is because staying at home and spending tons of time playing video games online and not exercising is bad for you, because exercise can build your body up so you can fight illnesses off a bit more easier, and playing video games isn't going to build up your body's muscles and defenses in any way. Video games in moderation is okay, as long as you're not addicted to it. Do you think kids should play video games in moderation or not?


Posted on: 2021/03/05

Kids should be allowed to play video games sometimes. Video games can be bad for your eyes, but playing them every once in a while is okay. Video games can be good for your hand eye coordination, and for your focus, too. Video games can be interactive, meaning that you can play and interact while playing. Now, let's say it's raining, you can't go outside to exercise, and the gym is closed because of Covid-19. Video games like Wii Sports is like exercising and playing a video game at the same time. So in summary, kids should be allowed to play video games once in a while to get them moving like with Wii sports, or to interact with other people, while practicing their focus and hand eye coordination.