Should kids be allowed to make loud noises?

By Richard

Kids like to have fun. They like to play games and run around. But they can be pretty loud sometimes. This might get in the way of adults who have something like a phone call. Adults who like quiet can be having issues. Lot of houses have rules against loud sounds. But children need to express themselves in a variety of ways. Children also make loud noises when they are sad or angry. So you decide: should children be allowed to make loud noises?


Posted on: 2021/03/29

Kids should be allowed to make loud noises at times, but only if parents aren't in an important meeting or call. Sometimes loud noises upset neighbors, so if kids want to be loud, they should play in a room where neighbors won't be able to hear them, like a basement or bedroom with the doors closed. Kids can be noisy, but they only should when they're allowed to.